The last couple of weeks we have been focusing on commas in a series and commas in dates. I modeled and did mini-lessons for a couple days, but then I realized it was going to take much more than that. So I whipped up 4 little centers to help my students solidify their understanding of commas. This little pack is in my TPT shop for $2.50. My students LOVED them. Seriously, I haven't seen them so excited and determined with something in a while. I think just changing things up helps with my firsties. :)
Now I'm linking up with Deanna Jump to talk about SUMMER!!!!
1. Read Teach Like a Pirate. I've heard so much about it, so it's in my Amazon cart!
2. Keep hydrated! Lots of water and lots of Sparkling Ice Lemonade. Have you ever tried this stuff? It's amazing!!!

4. Learn to grill. I LOVE grilled chicken and veggies, but I always leave it up to my husband to do all the grilling. I think it's time I learn.
5. KEEP MY FLOWERS ALIVE. I get lazy with the watering. I went through 2 sets of ferns last year because I let the first set die. I'm determined not to waste any more money and to have my yard looking great this summer!
6. I really want to spend more time enjoying the outdoors. After the long, cold winter we had, it's made me appreciate the warmer temps! I'm hoping to sit outside and drink my coffee at least one morning a week.
7. Get in the Word more! Studying the Bible refreshes me so much and I need major refreshment after this year! Every summer I host a Bible study for teachers at my school. This year we are going to do Missing Pieces by Jennifer Rothschild. I'm soooo excited. This is always one of the best parts of each summer!
8. Get ready for VEGAS! I'm presenting at I Teach 1st in Vegas this summer and I have a lot to prepare! My husband and I are flying out for a mini-vacation sans kids. I'm reallllly nervous about leaving them, but I know it will be just fine and lots of fun. I'm looking forward to learning a lot at I Teach 1st and the TPT conference.
9. WORKOUT. I LOVE to workout. I haven't devoted the time to it that I normally do with having had my son in November and trying to make it through this hectic school year. This is a HUGE priority for me this summer!
10. Spend time with these guys. The loves of my life. My two boys. Nothing more precious. :) And Rowan will be THREE in a few weeks! We have a fun farm-themed party for that boy.
There's a lot more I hope to accomplish over the next few months (including lots of additions and updates to my TPT store!), but I think those are the highlights. Here's to summer!!!!